Personal Digital Profiles

Job Role Compliance and Skills Profile

The Workforce Wallet is linked to personal Digital Profiles for all workers. The Digital Profile stores a worker’s compliance records and tracks the expiry date of each record. Automated alerts and reminders are sent to employees, contractors and their managers when a compliance file is set to expire.
Compliance records are uploaded by the workers or their managers during the pre-screening and onboarding workflows and throughout their employment.
Compliance records can be assigned to a job framework to drive company compliance. A series a visual and data-based reports can be downloaded to monitor individuals, groups or whole of company compliance.

Training Records and Skills Matrix

The Digital Profile maintains a real-time record of a worker’s training program including CPD. It records completed courses, webinars, events, and training programs with completed certificates. In addition to training, the Workforce Wallet produces a skills matrix on every employee and contractor.

The skills matrix includes:

Onboarding, Induction and Appraisal Workflows

When employees or contractors complete onboarding, induction and appraisal workflows all of the form data, uploaded files, corporate goals, endorsements, projects and performance data is recorded in the Digital Profile.

Reporting and Visual Data Tracking

Managers and administrators can view real-time visual reports to help mentor and support their workers. There is also an extensive set of reports that can be generated and exported.

workforce wallet skills gap analysis