Search Talent Pools to discover high performing employees

Find the right talent for your next project or new job role

The PowerHouse Talent Mobility platform ranks your employees and contractor in job role Talent Pools. Filter the pools by selecting your preference of scoring data to reveal top ranked workers.

Use the Talent On-Demand search engine to interrogate your entire employee database. You can add job roles, skills, compliance elements, specific qualifications and licenses to find the right talent for your succession plans.

In addition, the On-Demand search engine is ideal if you wish to build a project team from your existing staff and you need to poll your team to find those with the talent, compliance and credentials.

Talent On-Demand Search Tool

The On-Demand Search Tool is very flexible as it will include the talent pools, sub talent pools and custom categories that you have added to your talent structure. This structure allows you to refine your searches by using the filters to target the exact skills, experience or compliance you need.

The search filters include:

Onboarding, Induction and Appraisal Workflows

When employees or contractors complete onboarding, induction and appraisal workflows all of the form data, uploaded files, corporate goals, endorsements, projects and performance data is recorded in the Digital Profile.

Reporting and Visual Data Tracking

This data forms the basis of the searchable datasets in the talent pools. There is also an extensive set of reports that can be generated and exported.