How PowerHouse Upskill delivers for customers.

Our customers have deployed PowerHouse Upskill to address critical business needs, deliver CPD, contractor management or provide an end-to-end solution for workplace training, upskilling and job role compliance.

Review our case studies to learn more about the power and reach of the Upskill platform and how it is driving productivity and growth for our customers. 

The Home care Workforce Support Program

Australian Government

The Home Care Workforce Support Program, an initiative of the Australian Government, for targeted support to assist the aged care sector to increase the size of the personal care workforce. We partnered with Aged & Community Care Providers Association (ACCPA) the peak body for aged care in Australia.

Recognised as a leading workforce management software company, PowerHouse Hub provided an essential component of the strategy. The Upskill LMS was deployed to deliver training to candidates and new employees. Additional recruitment modules were enabled to leveraging a network of Talent Pools. The PowerHouse Talent Communities connected with sourcing partners to find, pre-screen, select, upskill, and retain staff.

Digital IDs (Workforce Wallets) verify job skills and compliance to create employee mobility with dynamic succession plans. Companies use Private Talent Pools to discover talent in their existing workforce to deliver on internal projects and new job roles.

PowerHouse Upskill – Continuing Professional Development

Specsavers is the fastest growing and most progressive optical retail company in Australia and New Zealand. Specsavers employs over 35,000 people worldwide and operates in 10 European countries. 

MyCPD was created in collaboration with PowerHouse Hub and is a virtual portal for over several thousand of Specsavers’ industry-leading optometrists to manage their professional development and accreditation.

Featuring real-time visual reporting, CPD credit points, resources and training, MyCPD enables Specsavers to ensure compliance, deliver training and quantify real-world outcomes.

The CPD platform also needed to be a Risk Mitigation platform where optometrists could manage their points/credit in Australia and New Zealand in line with each country’s regulatory requirements.

The CPD platform provides a repository of training and CPD courses for Australia and New Zealand. It includes a visual dashboard of points/credit and status and the ability to record and track training outcomes and the accreditation of optometrists’ workforce compliance – Australia (AHPRA) and NZ (ODOB).

Queensland Government

PowerHouse Hub has been working with the DET Queensland Government in the development of the eLearning platform – the EAL/D Hub. The engagement originally commenced in 2014 and the project is still current. The work involved the development of the Hub on the Upskill LMS for Queensland Government, New South Wales Goverment, Northern Territory Government and the Western Australia Government.

The EAL/D Hub is an online professional development course for teachers. It was developed collaboratively by experts from across Australia. It is about providing high-quality education to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students, and in particular, those students who have first languages other than Standard Australian English and are learning Standard Australian English as an additional language or dialect.
The development of the EAL/D Portal included the following sub-projects:

The Production Phase of the project was completed in the first quarter 2016 and since that time, PowerHouse Hub has delivered EAL/D portals for Queensland Government, Northern Territory Government, New South Wales Government and Western Australia Government.

Rio Tinto – Weipa, Queensland

PowerHouse Upskill - Contractor Management

PowerHouse Hub were engaged by Rio Tinto to build a self-managed contractor induction platform and the project is still current after our initial launch 10 years ago. A key deliverable for Rio Tinto was the collection of essential licenses as file uploads from staff and contractors as part of the onboarding. In addition, the platform has a customised dashboard to provide an intuitive workflow that bundles 10 induction courses that write a transcript report that is automatically pushed to Rio Tinto’s existing Safety Pass Card.

The ‘Weipa Induction’ platform enables Rio Tinto to seamlessly collect data and licenses and generates automatic notifications to managers and administrators when a license or induction course is due to expire.

The system features a wide range of automated emails and alerts to support Rio Tinto’s custom workflows. The Rio Administrator has enabled course expires that count down from the time that each learner first accesses a specific course. A series of 3 emails support the learner in completing the process. The administrator has also added annual re-induction on all courses with supporting emails.

The processes also trigger a range of proactive notifications that alerts the manager with a month forward notice: 1. What learners have licenses that are due to expire next month 2. What learners are due to complete their re-induction next month 3. What learners have not completed their induction

As part of their journey to full contractor self-management Rio Tinto embedded the site induction card onto the dashboard which can be printed upon completion of all induction material and license uploads following which they can enter the site without any input or manual handling from the managers.

Rio Tinto engaged the PowerHouse Hub content development team to build a range of courses using existing documentation and content that was produced by our team on site. The courses were built on the Content Publisher using the page templates. The team provided training to allow them to edit and update content using the Publisher.

The Jesmond Group

PowerHouse Upskill – Workforce skilling and compliance

Established in 1984, The Jesmond Group (TJG) has a proud history of caring for older Australians of all backgrounds across Sydney. PowerHouse Hub has been selected as the Learning Management System to deliver job role skills and compliance, with integration to payroll and rostering. 

PowerHouse Hub has delivered a comprehensive aged care solution for Jesmond that includes the award winning PowerHouse Upskill LMS, our library of aged care courses and personal Workforce Wallets for all staff. The system is also fully integrated with the Jesmond payroll and rostering applications.

Full payroll integration: Payroll groups created in the IWS payroll application are dynamically created in the Upskill LMS Platform with automated synchronisation. As staff are added to a group in IWS, they appear instantly in the Upskill LMS and they have immediate access to the job role training courses, webinars, training plans and events that have been assigned to the group. The API and webservices automatically sync customised personal information fields back into to the IWS payroll system 

Full rostering integration: Mirus Works rostering is integrated with the Upskill LMS to deliver job ready shields that allow the staff member to be rostered. When an employee is set to be added to the roster, a skills and compliance dataset is pushed from the Upskill LMS into the roster to ensure that the staff member has the skills and compliance to complete the shift. Additional groups that sit outside of the payroll groups have been added to deliver training to staff, contractors and agency staff that provide services to Jesmond

PowerHouse Aged Care courses have been pre-loaded to allow Jesmond staff to edit with their own custom information. Jesmond has also imported existing SCORM courses into the platform and have been assigned to group with the SCORM reporting data recorded in the PowerHouse Reports.

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