PowerHouse Recruit

A Specialist HR Recruitment Platform

PowerHouse Recruit is a breakthrough product that expands and enhances your talent acquisition strategy. Create location-based Talent Pools to build an ongoing stream of pre-screened candidates to service your business.

Pre-screen your candidates against your specific job roles and view top rated job seekers in your ranked Talent Pools. Stream candidates from your job boards, recruiters and direct registrations on your portal and assess them in one place.

HR can establish the job roles and determine the candidate standards and assign it to Hiring Managers to create and manage their Talent Pools for your business.

Empowering HR Teams to drive your talent acquisition strategy

Attract your own Matched Candidates

To store and search all verified skills and training data on individual workers.

Build a Continuous Stream of Candidates

Discover talent via candidate searches and talent pool ranked candidate pipelines.

Job Match Scores & AI-Ranked CVs

View ranked CVs, job match scores & Work-Ready Shields to assess skills & compliance.

Job Role Pre-Screen Candidates

Collect data on job skills, compliance and availability stored in Workforce Wallets.

Your HR Recruitment Software

Find and hire talent to meet your business needs

PowerHouse Recruit loads candidate profiles into ranked talent pools. The software reads and ranks CVs and candidates complete a job role pre-screen to build Job Match and Work Ready scores.

HR and recruiters can filter your Talent Pools by job role scores, availability, job type, salary expectation, location, compliance, skills and your own custom categories.

Your team shortlist required candidates and use the platform to book interviews and add notes to profiles to assist the hiring process.

Your HR Recruitment Software

Reduce your recruiting and onboarding costs

The PowerHouse Recruit features a purpose-built candidate registration portal that is linked to your website. The portal is customised with your designs, logos and photos and features the job roles that plan to attract, source, pre-screen & hire through the portal. 

Your PowerHouse Recruit Portal allows candidates to view all of your job roles, make a selection and then pre-screen against the role.

Each job role has its own pre-screen registration that includes customised questions, compliance uploads, background checks, qualification uploads, suitability screening and much more.

At the end of the pre-screen registration, the candidate receives a personalised Workforce Wallet that features all of the data. This data then generates the ranking score that determines the place in the job role Talent Pools.

Hiring Managers can view the ranked Talent Pools with AI CV parsing reading, scoring and rewriting their resumes. They can also use the Talent On-Demand search engine to find matched permanent, casual, freelancer and contractor workers.

Your HR Recruitment Software

Personal Workforce Wallets with job role compliance and skilling data

PowerHouse Recruit will provide significant savings on your recruitment costs and use AI and your job profiling to find the right talent for the role. This in turn improves retention and productivity.  

The software provides assurance on shortlisting the right candidates as they complete your pre-screening workflows to provide you with the exact data & files your need to assess in staff acquisition process.

The software comes pre-loaded with job roles and descriptions in many sectors which companies can customise. Each role is assigned the core skills and required compliance items to build the data. 

Your HR Recruitment Software

HR set the candidate standards for Hiring Manager Talent Pools

PowerHouse Recruit is a breakthrough product that expands and enhances your talent acquisition strategy in the care sector.   

Your HR can finally control recruitment in your company by setting the job role standards for candidates and staff. Once established, hiring managers have their own pools of talent which are ranked centrally.  

HR set the standard for their candidates in the following areas:

  • Add customised job roles
  • Write Job Match questions for every job role
  • Set core skills and compliance items for the role
  • Build pre-screening flows to collect the job role data
  • Set the ranking criteria for each job role & location

Your Recruit Portal also has direct access to the Talent Marketplace where our Talent Community partners provide access to their pre-screened and experienced candidates that you can employ with placement fees well below fees charged by recruiters.

Your HR Recruitment Software

Customised pre-screening workflows for all job roles

PowerHouse Recruit builds pre-screening workflows for your candidates that include the compliance, upskilling and Job Match datasets. The workflows can be customised to include the following:

Your Recruitment Software

How we rank your job seekers in your Talent Pools

Your candidates are ranked dynamically against all job roles. Or platform allows you to set the ranking criteria for each job role. The datasets that are featured in their personal Workforce Wallets and the ranked Talent Pools include:

Ready To See The Platform In Action?

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