PowerHouse Training Marketplace

Sell courses, webinars and events online

The PowerHouse Training Marketplace provides the functions to automate the marketing, selection and payment of your online courses, webinars and / or events.

The marketplace features integration with major eCommerce gateways to securely manage the payment of course and registration fees for your events and webinars.

Build your eLearning business on PowerHouse Upskill

Promote and sell access to your courses, training programs, events and webinars

Publish and sell your online courses

Build or import your courses, add descriptions, cost per course and add to your Course Catalogue

Promote and sell your webinar registrations

Integrate Teams or Zoom and create new webinars, add fees and descriptions and sell registrations.

Promote and sell your event registrations

Create face-to-face events, add fees, descriptions, waitlists and sell registrations online.

Integrate with secure eCommerce gateways

The platform is integrated with eCommerce Gateways including Stripe and BPoint.

PowerHouse Training Marketplace

Build or import your courses and sell in the Course Catalogue

Use the PowerHouse Content Publisher to build your own courses with assessment or import existing courses into your platform. 

Add a single course or group of courses to the PowerHouse Course Catalogue, add a title, descriptions, learning outcomes, course page screenshots and fees to access the course.

Guests can access your public eCommerce Dashboard to view your courses, add a course to their cart, self-register and pay the course fee. The guest receives a unique username and password to logon to your portal to complete the course. 

After completing the course, the guest receives a completion certificate and their results are added to your reporting schedules.

PowerHouse Training Marketplace

Inbuilt marketing and payment of your Webinar Training Sessions

The PowerHouse Upskill platform integrates with Microsoft Teams, Zoom and GoToMeeting to offer a complete webinar management solution for your learners.

The PowerHouse Webinar Module allows you to set-up your webinars and assign to groups with the option to promote the sessions to guests visiting the PowerHouse eCommerce Dashboard.

The webinars feature a title, description and thumbnail image and learners can view upcoming sessions and register and the registration fee in a single dashboard. The platform manages the payment, receipt, confirmation, reminder alerts and completion certificates.

PowerHouse Training Marketplace

Promote your events and sell registrations online

The PowerHouse Upskill LMS allows you to create unlimited face-to-face training events, promote to your members and guests and set the registration costs to collect the fees online.

The Event Manager features an automated waitlist. You can set the maximum number of attendees and when a registered attendee cancels, the waitlist members are contacted to register.

The fees are collected through your eCommerce gateway partner and the system sends automated invoices, receipts and confirmation of attendance and payment. The platform also delivers personalised and dated attendance certificates for all of your events.

PowerHouse Training Marketplace

Promote and sell your eLearning with the PowerHouse Upskill eCommerce Dashboard

The PowerHouse Upskill eCommerce Dashboard can be added to the login page for your portal. The dashboard presents the top 4 courses, upcoming training events and upcoming webinars.

The dashboard can be customised to present all three eLearning activities or can be altered to present your suite of online courses, training plans, events or webinars. Each activity can feature the cost for a single user, discounted costs for bundles and there is also the ability to offer member and non-member pricing.

The dashboard features a thumbnail image and brief description of the eLearning. Click the ‘Learn More’ button to view a marketing page on the asset that includes a description, learning outcomes and screenshots from the online courses. 

The eCommerce Dashboard allows your visitors to select a course, event and webinar, self-register, view their shopping cart and complete the payment online in an intuitive workflow. Partner with PowerHouse Upskill to manage your eLearning business.

Ready To See The Platform In Action?

Schedule a free, no obligation demo to discover the benefits of PowerHouse Upskill for your business