PowerHouse Contractor Management Software

Deliver a contingent workforce with real-time compliance in all job roles

The Powerhouse Contractor Management software manages your contingent workforce with pre-screening, onboarding, safety induction, job role and site safety compliance monitoring.

The PowerHouse Contractor Management software integrates with your current technology and is configured to meet your specific business needs.

Automating contractor onboarding and compliance management

Workforce Wallets with dynamic compliance

To store and search all licenses, insurances, safety checks and verified skills.

Safety induction and background checks

Automate contractor inductions with background checks and site specific safety courses.

Contractor job role compliance tracking

Assign specific compliance and core skills verification to each of your job roles.

Contractor Business & Visitor Management

Manager accounts for contractor businesses to track their worker's compliance.

Contractor Management Software

End-to-end contractor management

The PowerHouse Contractor Management software is an end-to-end platform with compliance tracking, onboarding, license / file uploading, upskilling and reporting.  

Add your contracting businesses to your platform and their workers self-register. Managers of each business track their team on the required compliance and skilling requirements.

Deploy as your standalone contracting platform or integrate with your current systems including proximity software, identity management and rostering systems.

Contractor Management Software

Onboard with license uploads and real-time tracking

The PowerHouse Contractor Management software features customised onboarding workflows that manage the collection of licenses and certificates based on job role.

The certificate and license uploads include automated monitoring of expiry dates. Reminders and alerts are sent to contractors and their managers to upload replacement certificates.

The compliance files are stored on Workforce Wallets which are tracked and verified by your safety managers. Visual and data reports are generated on the compliance level of a contractor or group of workers and showcased on manager dashboards.

Contractor Management Software

Onboard with visa and background checks and integrated apps

The PowerHouse Contractor Management software features an integrated app store to allow additional functionality to be added in your onboarding workflows.

Customers enable applications in the app store and add them to the pre-screening and onboarding workflows.

The app store features police and background checks, work rights and visas checks, rosters, SMS packages, payroll, and identity management which create custom screening of contractors.

contractor management software

Contractor Management Software

Advanced reporting and onboarding analytics

The software features reporting and tracking dashboards for managers. Managers are assigned to groups and view the progress of their contractors.

The visual reporting schemas monitor the contractors onboarding and training activity and also presents an overarching dataset for the entire group. A manager can view a wide range of onboarding reporting data including:

The manager can select a user to view their onboarding progress and assist with completion by posting and responding to questions and assisting in uploading documents and completing required tasks. Managers can also extend due dates so they can respond to changes in the business.

Contractor Management Software

Compliance Gap Analysis in Workforce Wallets

The personal Workforce Wallets are automatically generated for all of your contractors and are used to feature their uploaded and verified CV, compliance and credential files.
Contractors upload personal contact information and provide their availability to poll for opportunities, jobs and/or shifts.
The Workforce Wallet provides access to upskilling courses and programs and job skills are validated by managers and feature on the wallet with job role framework schemas.

Contractor Management Software

Onboard with induction and safety courses

The PowerHouse Contractor Management software adds online induction courses to your onboarding. You can build or import SCORM courses or license contractor courses from our Course Library. The library includes over 80 titles in the following categories:

All onboarding workflows produce personalised and dated certificates that document the uploads and completed courses.

Contractor Management Software

Customised workflows to match job roles and work sites

The software builds unlimited pre-screening and onboarding workflows which can be customised for the job role, work type or location.

Onboarding workflows can include customised forms, suitability assessments, background checks, digital contracts, file uploads, self-assessment of job skills, talent pools and induction courses.

The customised workflows can be assigned to specific work groups or job roles to personalise the onboarding experience.

contractor management software onboarding

Contractor Management Software

Contractor upskilling programs and Visitor Access Management

The software manages the upskilling of contractors prior to site access or as part of their training on-site requirements.

The solution builds online safety inductions and onboarding for visitors accessing your work sites or offices. The inductions can be completed online prior to arrival and produces a dated and named completed induction certificate.

Managers can track the progress of contractor upskilling and visitor access certificates in visual and data reports.

Contractor Management Software

Integrated contractor payroll and timesheets

The Upskill Contractor Management System can be deployed with integrated payroll and timesheets to manage your outsourced contingent workforce.

Generate a single invoice to pay your team of contractors and allow us to manage the awards and HR compliance involved in the deployment of payroll and rostering for your team.

With PowerHouse Upskill Contractor, you can focus on your business, not payroll. Let us navigate the complexities of compliance including Single Touch Payroll (STP), payroll deductions, tax, superannuation and other third-party payments.

Contractor Management Software

Integrate with your current technology

The PowerHouse Contractor Management software is  accessed on all connected devices. Contractors use PCs or Smartphones to register & complete inductions and file uploads.

The platform can be delivered as a hosted standalone portal or integrated with other contingent workforce apps. The platform features APIs to connect with your ID systems, proximity security systems, and all other applications in your technology stack.

Contact us today to demo the PowerHouse Upskill Contractor Management System in your business.

Ready To See The Platform In Action?

Schedule a free, no obligation demo to discover the benefits of PowerHouse Upskill for your business